6 R implementation of the assignments 2019-2020
In this R tutorial you will implement the exercises from the assignment in R.
6.1 Assignment 1
The solution of the first assignment can be downloaded here.
6.1.1 Exercise 1
In the first exercise you computed a number of statistics for a distribution with cdf
\[ F_X(x) = \begin{cases} 0 & x < 0 \\ 1-0.5\cdot e^{-\beta\cdot x} & x \geq 0\end{cases}, \] for some \(\beta > 0\).
You can use the following function to simulate data from this distribution. Simulating from a given cdf will be covered in a later R tutorial.
simulate_assignment1 <- function(num_sim, beta) {
rexp(num_sim, rate = beta) * (runif(num_sim) > 0.5)
# this code simulates 10 observations from this distribution with beta = 0.5
simulate_assignment1(10, beta = 0.5)
[1] 4.31338 2.72700 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 4.74313 0.00000 0.09661 0.23204
[10] 0.00000
Choose a value for \(\beta\) and simulate 10.000
observations from this distribution. Using this simulation:
- Plot the empirical cdf of your simulation;
- Compute \(P(X = 0)\);
- Compute \(E(X)\);
- Compute \(\sigma(X) = \sqrt{E((X - E(X))^2)}\).
Compare your answers with the solution of the assignment.
# set the seed for replicability when working with random numbers
n <- 10000
beta = 0.1
simul <- simulate_assignment1(n, beta)
# @1
ggplot() +
theme_bw() +
[1] 0.5018
[1] 4.922
[1] 5
[1] 8.595
[1] 8.66
Next, we calculate \(E((X-30)_+)\). To calculate an expected value of the form \(E(g(X))\) from a simulation, we compute
\[ \widehat{E(g(X))} = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n g(x_i),\] where \(x_i\) are our simulated outcomes from the random variable \(X\).
In the case of the mean \(E(X)\), \(g(x) = x\), i.e. the identity function. We implement this function in R as
[1] 4.922
You will now calculate the expected loss when there is a deductible of \(30\) using your simulated data.
Write a function
taking as inputx
(a vector containing the loss amounts) andd
(the deductible) and returning a vector \(y\) with \(y_i = (x_i-d)_+ = \max(x_i-d, 0)\);Test the function
that you defined in the previous step. What is the output fordedutible(c(500, 200), 300)
. Is your function working as expected? A common mistake in implementing thedeductible
function is a misunderstanding of themax
function in R;
[1] 3
[1] 2 3
- Calculate \(E(X-30)_+\) for your simulated vector.
[1] 0.2519
[1] 0.2489
You will now calculate the remaining statistics from exercise 1.
- \(E(X \wedge 30)\)
- \(e_X(30)\)
- \(VaR_{0.95}(X)\)
6.2 Assignment 2
6.2.1 Exercise 2
You will solve a slightly adapted version of this exercise. Assume that the number of claims, \(N\), for an insurance portfolio follows a Poisson distribution with mean \(\lambda= 10\). The sizes of these claims are independent and follow a Gamma distribution with mean 1000 and variance 90000.
In this exercise you will compute various statistics related to the total loss.
- Create a single simulation for the aggregate loss \(S = X_1 + ... + X_N\).
lambda <- 10
mu <- 1000
sigmasq <- 90000;
# Simulate the number of claims from a Poisson distribution
N <- rpois(1, lambda)
We have to simulate N
losses from a gamma distribution with mean 1000 and variance 90000. When we check the documentation of rgamma
we see that the distribution is parametrized by a shape
and scale
In the details section of the documentation, you find: \[shape = a, scale = s, E(X) = a*s \text{ and } Var(X) = a*s^2.\] From this you can compute: \[scale = \frac{Var(X)}{E(X)} \text{ and } shape = \frac{E(X)}{scale}\]
You have now created a single simulation of \(S\). Using a for-loop, you can generate multiple simulations.
num_sim <- 1000
# create a vector for storing the result of the simulation
aggregated_loss <- rep(NA, num_sim)
for(i in 1:num_sim) {
# Add your code for a single simulation here
N <-
X <-
S <-
aggregated_loss[i] <- S
You will now update the for-loop above to analyze the aggregated loss.
- Complete the for-loop and generate 1000 simulations of the aggregated loss;
- Use these simulations to compute the mean and standard deviation of the aggregated loss;
- Assume that the insurer imposes an ordinary deductible of 750.
Add the variables
in your simulation, which register the number of claims exceeding the deductible and the aggregate loss after imposing the deductible respectively; - Visualize the distribution of the number of claims before and after imposing the deductible;
- Compare the density of the aggregate loss before and after imposing the deductible.
# @1
num_sim <- 1000
# create a vector for storing the result of the simulation
aggregated_loss <- rep(NA, num_sim)
for(i in 1:num_sim) {
# Add your code for a single simulation here
N <- rpois(1, lambda)
X <- rgamma(N, shape = shape, scale = scale)
S <- sum(X)
aggregated_loss[i] <- S
# @2
[1] 9999
[1] 3316
# @3
num_sim <- 1000
# create a vector for storing the result of the simulation
deductible <- 750
aggregated_loss <- rep(NA, num_sim)
aggregated_loss_deductible <- rep(NA, num_sim)
N <- rep(NA, num_sim)
N_after_deductible <- rep(NA, num_sim)
for(i in 1:num_sim) {
# Add your code for a single simulation here
N[i] <- rpois(1, lambda)
X <- rgamma(N[i], shape = shape, scale = scale)
S <- sum(X)
aggregated_loss[i] <- S
N_after_deductible[i] <- sum(X > deductible)
aggregated_loss_deductible[i] <- sum(X[X > deductible])
df <- rbind(data.frame(count = N, method = 'before deductible'),
data.frame(count = N_after_deductible, method = 'after_deductible'))
ggplot(df) +
theme_bw() +
geom_bar(aes(count, fill = method, y = ..prop.., group = method), position = position_dodge())
ggplot() +
theme_bw() +
geom_density(aes(aggregated_loss, fill = "before_dectitble"), alpha = .5) +
geom_density(aes(aggregated_loss_deductible, fill = "after_dectitble"), alpha = .5)